
Effective follow-up is crucial for maintaining strong family engagement in the special education process. After an IEP meeting, it's important to continue the dialogue and ensure that families feel supported and informed. Start by reaching out to answer any lingering questions and provide clarity on the information discussed.

Provide valuable resources tailored to the needs of the child and family, such as child agency support, family support services, and practical ideas for activities at home. Encourage families to connect with the school environment by joining planning committees, the PTO, classroom parties, and volunteering as activity chaperones. Highlight opportunities for engagement with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiatives.

Through thoughtful and proactive follow-up, educators can foster a sense of partnership and collaboration with families, ensuring they feel valued and empowered in their child's educational journey.

Here is a comprehensive list of potential resources.  Reach out to families to answer questions and clarify information:

Reach out to the family:

  • Answer any lingering questions
  • Clarify information discussed during the IEP meeting
  • Schedule additional meetings if necessary

Provide resources:

  • Child agency support
  • Local child development agencies
  • Early intervention programs

Family support services

  • Counseling services
  • Parent support groups

Ideas for practice at home

  • Educational activities
  • Behavioral strategies
  • Communication techniques

Connect families to the school environment:

Planning committees

  • School improvement planning
  • Curriculum development committees

Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)

  • Attending PTO meetings
  • Participating in PTO-sponsored events

Classroom parties

  • Assisting with event planning
  • Volunteering during classroom celebrations

Activity chaperones

  • Volunteering for field trips
  • Supervising school events

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) engagement

  • Participating in PBIS training sessions
  • Implementing PBIS strategies at home
  • Engaging in PBIS recognition events

Through these follow-up activities, educators can ensure that families remain engaged and feel supported, fostering a collaborative and effective partnership in their child's education, enhancing the overall educational experience, and creating an environment where families feel valued and empowered.