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Student-Centered Learning (LMS108)


The focus for this course will be on student-centered learning. Educators will be shifting from traditional teacher-centric approaches to methods that empower students to take an active role in their education. We will discuss strategies to help implement student-centered learning into any classroom.

Welcome to PoweredOn - where learning meets excellence, equity and opportunity. If at any time throughout this process you need additional support, simply email PoweredOn@iu5.org.

Hours: 3

  • Introduction
  • Goals
  • What is Student-Centered Learning?
  • Research on Student-Centered Learning
  • Student-Centered Framework
  • Introduction to Student-Centered Learning Frameworks
  • Student Agency and Voice
  • Student-Centered Learning: Building Agency and Engagement
  • Choice Board Assignment
  • Competency-Based Learning
  • Incorporating Technology
  • Continuous Monitoring of Student Needs
  • Increasing Learner Agency Through Continuous Monitoring of Student Needs
  • Monitoring Student Needs and Progress in a Student-Centered Classroom
  • Section 1 Review
  • Teacher Competencies
  • Introduction to Teacher Competencies
  • Activating Learners in a Student-Centered Classroom
  • Optional Reading: 3 Ways to Make Your Classroom Student-Centered
  • Student-Centered Learning Choice Board
  • Learner Profiles
  • Flexible Learning Environments
  • Section 2 Review
  • What does this look like in a classroom setting?
  • Key Considerations for Implementation in the Classroom
  • Strategies to Implement Student-Centered Learning
  • How to Set Up a Learner-Centered Classroom
  • Intro to Classroom Examples
  • Elementary, Middle, and High School Examples
  • Conclusion
  • Student-Centered Learning Course Review
  • Resources
  • Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever